Prostate 101:

Questions & Answers About The Prostate

Prostate image

Q: What Is The Prostate, And What Does It Do?

A: The prostate is a muscular gland that weighs about three-fourths of an ounce, about the size of a small apricot.  It is a male reproductive organ whose main function is to secrete prostatic fluid, an alkaline fluid secreted by the prostate gland during ejaculation that forms one of the components of semen. The muscles of the prostate also help propel this seminal fluid into the urethra during ejaculation.

Prostatic fluid contains minerals such as zinc, proteins, enzymes and a substance called prostate specific antigen (PSA). These substances play an important role in fertility, helping to keep the sperm in a smooth, liquid form as it passes through the urethra and into the vagina.

Q: Where Is The Prostate Located?

A: Anatomically, the prostate is located just below the urinary bladder, surrounding the base of the bladder and the beginning of the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the body.

The prostate is shaped like a donut, with the urethra passing through the opening in the center of the prostate.  It is also situated behind the pubic bone and in front of the rectum, which is why it is possible to feel the prostate is during a rectal examination.

Q: What are the Signs of Prostate Problems?

A:  For most men, the most common symptoms of a prostate problem all involve changes in urinary patterns:

  • Frequent trips to the bathroom, especially at night
  • Trouble stopping and starting urine flow
  • A weak urinary stream, dribbling or leaking
  • An urgent feeling of having to go, but then nothing happens
  • A constant full-bladder sensation

Q: So Just Why Are You Peeing So Much?

A:  Generally speaking, as you start to enter your mid-forties, the size of your prostate starts to grow, and in theory your prostate can even continue to grow for the rest of your life! Because the prostate gland is located just under your bladder and around the urethra, an enlarged or swollen prostate can compress both the urethra and the bladder, diminishing your bladder capacity so that your bladder never fully empties.

It’s really quite simple: if your bladder is always half full, then you really only have half a bladder to fill until you’ll get the urge to go to the bathroom again. Generally speaking, the greater your prostate problems, the less bladder capacity you have and the more trips to the bathroom you will need to take.

Q: How Can You Help Reduce Your Risk Of Developing Prostate Problems?

A:  While there are certain risk factors you can’t control, like age, ethnicity and family history, there are plenty of things you can do to support prostate health:

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise often
  • Eat a low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains
  • Eat fish, especially omega-3 rich fishes like salmon and tuna
  • Eat more fat from plants than from animals
  • And last but not least, support your prostate health by taking a quality supplement containing ingredients found in Super Prostate Formula